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XM Cloud Changelog

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Faster publishing in XM Cloud

XM Cloud

XM Cloud


We’re excited to announce the release of an experimental new publishing process that includes performance improvements for incremental publishing. With this process enabled for an environment, whenever you update a small number of content items on a site with a lot of content and language fallbacks, publishing is much faster, shortening what previously lasted several hours to less than 30 seconds. The user interface hasn’t changed – only the underlying process. 

You can try out the new publishing process now, but you can revert to the previous version at any time.

Before you get started, consider the following:

  • As this is a new feature, always check your published links for consistency and to make sure they still work as expected.

  • When enabling the feature, first do so on a test or staging environment and test it there, before promoting to a production environment.

  • We are evaluating improvements to the language fallback functionality. If you are using this feature and you notice any undesired behavior or performance issues, please report your findings to us.

  • Feature support needs to be preauthorized by Sitecore. Please reach out to the support team before enabling the feature.

  • Complete all the steps outlined below when enabling or disabling the feature. Not doing so might lead to unexpected results.

  • After switching between publishing modes, the first publish job takes longer than usual.

To enable publishing v.2:

  1. In the Deploy app, create an environment variable named Sitecore_ExperienceEdge_dot_WorkerStoreEnabled and set it to TRUE.

  2. Deploy the environment for which you want to enable the new publishing process.

  3. When the deployment is complete, republish the sites by, for example, clicking Publish all sites on the Sites tab in the Deploy app. You only need to fully republish once to enable the new publisher.

To revert to the older publishing process:

  1. In the Deploy app, set the Sitecore_ExperienceEdge_dot_WorkerStoreEnabled variable to FALSE.

  2. Redeploy the environment.

  3. Delete Edge content.

  4. When the deployment is complete, republish the sites by, for example, clicking Publish all sites on the Sites tab in the Deploy app. You only need to fully republish once to revert to the previous way of publishing.


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