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Release Notes

December 2016 – released Dynamics CRM Connect 1.2.0 (rev. 161212)

This a feature release. Sitecore recommends that you upgrade to this release if it includes features that meet the specific needs of your organization. This release contains significant new feature functionality, and we encourage you to evaluate it.

Details on these changes are included in the product documentation, available on the Downloads page.


  • Improved logging and troubleshooting features
  • Improved performance and and control over synchronization processes
  • Support Dynamics 365
  • Support for Sitecore on Azure
  • Support for Data Exchange Framework 1.2
  • Bug fixes


  • Documentation links are available on the Downloads page

System requirements

  • Sitecore Experience Platform 8.1 rev. 151207 (8.1 update-1) or later.

New features & improvements

  • Performance improvements when synchronizing CRM campaigns with Sitecore.
  • Performance improvements when synchronizing xDB contacts with CRM.

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