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Sitecore AI Automated Personalization Standard 3.0.0

This module enables AI Auto-Personalization for Sitecore Experience Platform installations with traffic no greater than 12 million visits per year.

Sitecore AI Automated Personalization Standard 3.0.0 is compatible with Sitecore Experience Platform 10.1.

Download options for Sitecore Container deployments

Container Deployment PackageThe Sitecore Container Deployment Package contains the Docker Compose and Kubernetes specification files used to deploy Sitecore in development and production container environments.
Docker Deployment GuideA guide that provides step-by-step instructions for installing Sitecore AI on docker containers.
Kubernetes Deployment GuideA guide that provides step-by-step instructions for installing Sitecore AI on Kubernetes.

Download options

Sitecore AI Auto-Personalization Installation packageThe installation package for Sitecore AI Auto-Personalization Standard module for Sitecore XP.

Release information

Release NotesA list of features, improvements, and fixes that have been implemented in this release.
Installation GuideA guide that provides step-by-step instructions for installing Sitecore AI Auto-Personalization Standard.
User DocumentationA set of conceptual and procedural topics for Sitecore AI Auto-Personalization Standard users.

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