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Sitecore Connect™ for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Commerce 1.0.0

Combine best of breed commerce with best of breed digital asset management (DAM).

Modern digital experiences that convert rely on a rich base of content to provide support the millions of personalized experiences needed to give each customer the exact right experience at every step of their shopping experience. Anything less means losing to the competition.

With Sitecore Connect™ for Dynamics 365 Commerce, your full Content Hub content library becomes fully searchable and accessible within the page editing environment of Dynamics 365 Commerce, to quickly and easily build and enrich any aspect of your commerce storefronts, and keep them fresh and impactful over time.

Easily locate, select, and add brand-approved images, videos and documents from an intelligent global digital asset library, and track the impact of each content element you’re using. Understand specifically what content is really moving the needle on site performance. The Integrated user interface also proactively points out to your commerce and digital teams specifically where new or alternative images and content is available - across your full product line.


Sitecore Connect™ for Microsoft Dynamics 365 CommerceInstallation package for Sitecore Connect™ for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Commerce to Content Hub 1.0.0 - Compatible with Content Hub 4.0 and 4.1

Release Information

Release NotesRelease notes for Sitecore Connect™ for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Commerce to Content Hub.
Installation and Configuration GuideInstallation and Configuration Guide for Sitecore Connect™ for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Commerce to Content Hub.
User GuideUser Guide for Sitecore Connect™ for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Commerce to Content Hub.

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