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Release Notes

August 2023 – released Sitecore Experience Platform 10.3.1

This is a product update. Sitecore recommends that you upgrade to this release if it includes fixes that meet the specific needs of your organization. If this release does not include new functionality or specific fixes that your organization requires, you may benefit from waiting to upgrade until Sitecore releases an update that is relevant for your organization. This is especially true in production environments.

New features/improvements

ContextDescriptionADO no.
ContainersThe Traefik container image has been updated from version 2.5.3 to
InstallationSitecore Installation Assistant 1.5.1 supports Sitecore XP

Known issues

The following is a known issue:

ContextDescriptionADO no.
MediaWhen a media blob is referenced by multiple duplicated media items, deleting one of these duplicated items will result in the deletion of the media blob.563054

Resolved issues

The following issues have been fixed:

ContextDescriptionADO no.
Content EditorAn intermittent error causes the ribbon in the Content Editor to collapse for a virtual user, for example, after several publishing operations.554564
Content TestingIn Mozilla Firefox, the test item does not move to the next workflow state when using the Approve with test option.575842
Email Experience ManagerThe status of an email campaign job from a first CM instance is not correctly synchronized with EXM in a second CM instance.575839
Email Experience ManagerWhen selecting the Edit the related item context menu button, the embedded Content Editor does not appear as expected.587814
FormsUnexpected behavior with multi-page forms on submit when the session is expired.513277
InstallationThe installation of Sitecore XP using SIF fails due to the retired WebPI 5.1 installer. See KB1003017.575565
InstallationThe installation of Sitecore XP fails on a machine with SQL Server PowerShell Module version 22.0.xx or later. See KB1003015.580538
PlatformCross-site links are incorrect when sites have the same rootPath.565698
PlatformWhen publishing site definitions for multiple managed websites, the StartItem setting is ignored when resolving the sites, causing a site to have an incorrect URL.569444
PlatformA TreeList field unexpectedly translates the selected item name when the item's DisplayName exists in the Core DB dictionary.579558
PublishingInefficient ID parsing can cause slow publising performance.585529
SecurityPotential security vulnerabilities have been resolved. See KB1002925, KB1003018.563856, 568150, 576660, 582720, 584731, 586117

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