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Sitecore Horizon 10.0.0

Sitecore Horizon is the next generation Experience Management product for the Sitecore Experience Platform.
Sitecore Horizon 10.0.0 is compatible with Sitecore Experience Platform 10.0.

See all available versions here.

Download options

Sitecore Horizon for On Premises deploymentDownload Sitecore Horizon for use with Sitecore Experience Platform 10.0.0 deployed On Premises.
Sitecore Horizon for Azure AppService deploymentDownload Sitecore Horizon for use with Sitecore Experience Platform 10.0.0 deployed as PaaS.The package contains scripts, ARM templates and WDP packages for deploying Sitecore Horizon to Azure AppService.

Release information

Release NotesA list of features and improvements that have been implemented in this release.


Azure PaaS Installation guideThe installation procedure for the Sitecore Horizon on Azure PaaS.
OnPrem Installation GuideThe installation procedure for the Sitecore Horizon on premises.
Horizon Upgrade guideStep by step instruction how to upgrade Horizon from version 9.3.0 to 10.0.0
User DocumentationUser documentation for Sitecore Horizon.

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