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Release Notes

December 2017, released Sitecore Publishing Service 2.2.0 rev. 171220

New features/improvements

DescriptionCustomer ticket ID (or other)TFS no.
The Publishing Service now supports App Insights logging​.​33592
The performance of Single Item publishing has been significantly improved.​49508132976
The Single Item publish dialog now remembers options that were selected previously.33885

Resolved issues

The following issues have been fixed:

DescriptionCustomer ticket ID (or other)TFS no.
Clone items are not deleted from the target database together with the original item​.​49278031186
The Publishing Service does not raise the RemovedVersionRemoteEvent event after you remove a version from target database​.493114, 49311631802
​Subitems do not publish after you move them.32276
Versions of an item that are in the non-default language are deleted after the item moves.32273
​The web index does not remove old versions of an item.​494702532187
SaveItem events only generate in the context language when the service moves an item.​32491
The service only creates CreatedItemVersion (RemovedVersion) and Saved Events​ actions in one language. ​32529
​A cloned item does not update when the original item is updated.32586
When publishing clones, an exception appears if the original item no longer exists.​489050, 497033, 486188, 486311, 487674, 497866, 48342328056
​The Publishing Service does not take Language security restrictions​ into account.48713528748
A cloned item is published when​​ the Related items check box is not selected.49709234393
​Invalid cloned item versions are published after you change the publishing restriction​s.34401
Publishing fails when the publishing targets have display names.​49681833726
​The index record related to the first version of an item is not updated when the second version is published .49657333324
​The Solr configuration​​ file uses the wrong field names​ in content availability.​49584933033
​The Update module installation text does not include the correct Dlls for Content Delivery servers.33300
When you apply a publishing restriction to one item version, the cloned items do not delete from the target database with the original item.32503
An invalid link database entry prevents publishing​.​489050, 49276329903

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