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Release Notes

August 2020 – released Sitecore Publishing Service 4.3.0

New features/improvements

DescriptionCustomer ticket ID (or other)TFS no.
The Sitecore Publishing Service now runs on top of Sitecore Host.306005
​​​The index URL ('/') does not return a 404.​323220

Resolved issues

The following issues have been fixed:

DescriptionCustomer ticket ID (or other)TFS no.
​The Sitecore Publishing Service does not recognize publishing roles that are members of other roles.​360559
The PublishJobQueueController.GetJob and PublishJobQueueController.GetCompleted methods calculate the affectedItems value differently.517479276339
If you add a new language, ​publishing all items in repair mode fails.527088325656
​​A clone item is not published if the first version of the original item is unpublishable​​.297460
The DefaultStoreFactory.CreateTargets​ method can add the same publishing target to both validStores and invalidStores.​​278416
​If you only modify the casing of an item name, the Publishing Service does not republish the item name.​​337531
If the next version of an item has a Publishable(HideVersion) restriction​, a version of the item is regrarded as unpublishable.​​377508
A version of an item is regarded as unpublishable if the next versions of the item has a PublishableTo restriction​.​​386131

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